Friday, June 2, 2017

How To Start A Blog And Make Money With It FREE

Hello, everyone, this is Garner Meredith with Meredith Development. Glad you are with me today. I'm going to teach you how to start making money immediately online using Blogger. For those of you who don't already know, Blogger is a Google product that allows you to start up a free blog with a subdomain and begin blogging instantly. On this website, I'm going to share videos as well as articles and other related content showing you how to turn your passion into money. So if this sounds like something you may be interested in stick around, as we got a lot of thrilling topics to discuss.

The first thing I'm going to teach you today is pretty simple. We want to make money as soon as we start our blog. So the first thing I suggest doing is to open a new Blogger blog and pick the theme that looks the best to you and create your first post. From there you'll want to go to the layout and settings, and fine-tune the blog to how you would like it to look and function. By going to layout you'll be able to see the options that allow you to put gadgets and other great attributes to your blog.

The next step that you should take is to start creating ads and placing them on your blog. This is how you're going to start being paid from day one. Now, this is not a trick to get rich quick by any means, but it will start to earn you some passive income immediately. Now when I say passive income what I mean is something that earns for you while you are asleep or on vacation. These ads earn money from traffic, clicks, CPM, and other things like that which we will get into later in another post. I'm going to talk to you today about how to do it for free. If you want to buy the Blogger domain and start adding Google AdSense ads that is a great idea as well. But to keep your blog 100% free for you, we're going to use By using Revenue Hits we can apply our ads immediately to a subdomain, meaning we spend nothing out of pocket and begin earning immediately.

The first thing to do once your blog has its first post and is set up the way that you like is to make an account on Revenue Hits' website. Once you have an account you can start to create ad placements and be placing the ad codes as you see fit. This is just the very tip of the iceberg, I will say that, and in my later post and videos, I will teach you much more about fine-tuning your craft and how to turn your blogging career into something that very well may make you an excellent living. Following the money and looking at statistics shows that some bloggers make $20,000 and more per month so it's all about building an audience and keeping them engaged.

Thank you for reading, much more to come on this topic.

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